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Monday, August 10, 2009


Remember when we were kids, that game we used to play where someone was IT? They would run around and try to tag you. When their hand hit the mark you had to FREEZE in place. Yes, that's right ... FREEZE TAG. The object was for the person who was IT to try and tag as many people as possible until everyone was frozen. If the person was really good, you would soon have frozen people everywhere.

HOWEVER, there was relief. If you were one of the unfrozen, you could decide to either just look out for yourself and stay out of the FREEZE zone, or you could also run around and tag the frozen people, while still avoiding the IT person. As soon as you tagged a frozen person, they would UN-FREEZE and could move around and become part of the game again.

This simple game of freeze tag got me thinking. It seems like so many people, organizations and communities are frozen in fear. The IT that freezes us can be just about anything lately ... the fluctuating economy, global warming, etc.

I'm curious about:
  • What is the "touch" that can unfreeze us?

  • How can we avoid feeling paralyzed ourselves and at the same time reach out to others to help them unfreeze?

  • What are some things we already know about that can help us thaw so we can move again?


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